the SLOSH BOX multi parasite step by step

how to power many PARASITES from a single supply


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i've been meaning to build a quad filter box for a while now so i decided to use it as an excuse to do a parasite tutorial. i started out by collecting all of the parts and laying everything out.


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here you see each of the four drench PS's and their pots.


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the cutoff ( larger dual pot ), is the only one that will be pcb mounted this time. there was enough space in the case to spread the controls out a little bit and move the res pot. so that will be attached using two wires as shown below.


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this is basic drench wiring diagram, its very simple as you can see. diagrams for the rest of the parasites can be found HERE and it's instructional pdf can be found HERE


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this is what a single drench looks like after wiring it up using the above diagram. i also added passive input and output volume pots to allow for more control and tested each one to make sure they worked.


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this is the basic input volume pot wiring. i try and use a 100k or larger pot if i can to make the response smoother and not mess with any impedance stages - also found HERE


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and this is the basic output volume pot wiring. i try and use a 10k or larger pot if i can again to make the response smooth and not mess with any impedance stages - also found HERE


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then the power wires from each PS get wired together. to keep things clean and simple i just cut a little bit of strip board and snipped the ends of the 9v battery clips off and soldered them all to two strips of the board. positive to positive and ground to ground


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then just to over do things i added some smoothing caps between the positives going to ground but this is not really necessary because each PS already has this onboard. it never hurts to take steps to keep your supply clean and smooth though. i think these were 33uf because they were handy but any large value caps will do.

you can also make out the led, starve pot, the power switch is behind the led, and the 2.1mm power jack on the right side of the image. i probably should have made this more clear so i did the next couple of diagrams to explain.


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from the power jack you have your ground ( center pin ) which goes to the black ( negative or ground – same thing here ) wires on the power distro board and the black battery lead. then the positive ( sleeve ) of the jack goes straight to the switch so you can turn it all off. then the LED comes off of the other side of the switch then to a small resistor, in this case a 2k is working well, and then that goes straight to ground so the LED tells you when its turned on and off. and then from the LED side of the toggle you connect pin 1 of the 10k starve pot and then pin 2 goes straight to the positive side of the board.

the 9v battery clip is connected to the switching input of the power jack. if you didn't know some power jacks have a little switching mechanism inside so that you can have the battery run directly threw it and then when you insert the wall plug in it then it switches the positive battery out and uses the wall supply to keep from draining the battery too. each datasheet for the different jacks available should let you know which pins to use to accomplish this


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just in case you are wondering here is a diagram of the filter caps. each drench's power wires go in-between each cap. again this is not necessary and the same thing can be accomplished with just one large cap like a 100uf


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what a fucking mess.


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then you drill all of your holes, finish your case and get organized so you can get all of this to fit in there. this is what a single drench looks like when packed inside of the case.


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and the other side.


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and here you can see all four installed. i couldn't have hoped for it to fit any better.


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another angle.


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the cramped power section.


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and here is the finished product which you can see more of HERE i was shocked when i measured out the current for all four of these and the meter only showed 3ma !!!!!   i double checked it and its right. that means you can run this off of a single 9v battery for about 220 hours ( about 9 days ) solid until it drops but since the drenches will work down to 3vDC i'm not sure how long it will really last. i also did some fancy stuff with the switching input and output jacks that i explain HERE so that you can use it as a dual stereo parallel filter too with no extra cables, but i'm not going to bother you with that now. if you want to know... ask


please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or visit the forum here

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