the litphabet dek

bent vtech little smart alphabet desk "with phonics"


                                                                                                                               :::  SOLD

as you will be able to tell from the samples below this does not sound like the usual bent alphabet desk. its a different version that i have yet to see bent. but it turned out a lot better then i could have hoped. i just sat down to make the samples and i ended up spending over two hours with this thing. if your willing to spend the time to dig into this machine it will yield enough percussion loops to fill several records all by itself. this desk can spit out some crazy idm like loop point manglings. some of them perfect loops and others are perpetually changing rhythms that you can add to by flipping the switches and slight turns of the knob. the knob, when turned (very sensitive), will start to detune the current sound and then take whatever sound you are playing and start looping it. then as you turn it farther it will gradually minimize the loops start, position, and end points down to nothing and back again without crashing. you can turn the knob and set a loop time/speed and then play the letters and numbers like a keyboard triggering different little noises inside of the loop to change the rhythms and sounds ( in part 2 of the samples below at the point you hear "circle" i do exactly that, until you hear "hello" after that i only hold down the letter "T" and then i only turn the knob slowly down to nothing and back up again. at any point i can stop and the loop will play forever, you do have to hold the letter down though or switch between them) . the 4 switches are all different and act different depending on the other switches that are active. most will change the loop points farther, taking the sample farther out of place in time. some will change the source sound completely and some will, if used alone, only slightly modulate or distort the source sound. the slider on the left side will change the activities but once the loop is running it will also change the source sounds for the loops in some positions. the light in the top right corner flashes with the sounds and beats. if the desk ever does stall or lock up all you have to do is hit the green button and it will go right back to where you left off, but stalling is very rare and will only happen with a coupe of letters at certain settings. i added a 1/4" output that kills the speaker when in use. output is loud enough to drive headphones so be careful when plugging it straight into an amp. the finish is gray spray paint and custom gibberish alphabet sticker inlay. 4 AA battery’s included.

sample details ::: so i took a bunch of little snippets of loops from my two hour sample session and just pasted them end to end to try and give you an idea of what this thing can do. i did not do any signal processing of any kind, no eq, no effects, nothing. some of these loops are constantly changing rhythmically as well as dropping in new sounds. there is the occasional switch flip and knob turn but most snippets are without anything. in part 2 as mentioned above at the point you hear "circle" i do nothing but leave my loop and switch settings alone and hit/hold random letters and numbers. then just after "hello lets play" i only hold down the letter "T" and turn the knob. no switches. this is just to show you how the knob treats each loop.

samples :::  the litphabet dek - no effects part 1

samples :::  the litphabet dek - no effects part 2



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_-_-_- click those ruby red heels bitch  -_-_-_